
JP Nagar 8th Phase, Bangalore 560 083

1800 102 8032

Creative Ideas for a Fundraiser

It is not always necessary to shell out a precious amount of money to be able to help animals. Sometimes, your creativity proves to be your biggest asset. Explore the following ideas to raise funds for our rescued animals. You know what they say, “where there is a will, there is a way”:

  • Sale of Homemade items:

    You can make homemade/handmade/customised items (this can include, facemasks, art and craft items, knitted items, bakery goods, dog collars, dog accessories) at home and sell them online or in a backyard sale and use the funds collected towards the donation.

  • Birthday/anniversary celebration Fundraiser:

    Invite people for your birthday celebrations, anniversary celebrations and include a note about the fundraising activity in the invitation email or medium. Ask your friends and family to generously contribute in lieu of the gift for the occasion.

  • Fundraiser by offering Services:

    You can ask your neighbors to allow you to walk their pet, get their groceries, water their plants, babysit their children, or do any other favor they need and request them to contribute to the fundraiser in return.

  • Fundraiser through Posters and Banners:

    Create artistic/creative messages through posters, banners and install stalls and use for asking for donations. Share them through social media or physical platforms like your school, college, office or institution.

  • Use your talent to gather attention and funds:

    If you can sing, recite poetry, do a dramatic performance or stand-up poetry, use your talent to host an event and use the proceedings from the event to help our animals at Sarvoham.

  • Conduct special fundraising events:

    Arrange a film screening, a family and friends dinner, a potluck event or a game of Bingo or Pictionary. Keep nominal entry fee and use the money to fund animals in need.

  • Hold events celebrating International days or Festivals:

    Conduct attractive events to mark important festivals like Holi, Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, Christmas and such or international days of importance such as World Happiness Day or World Vegan Day and others to gather sympathetic people and funds to help animals in need.

Find out more about Fundraising Tips!

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